I was so keen to make this DIY so you can see how easy and economic is to create your own sporty t-shirts and best of all is that you can design it to your liking! You can choose your last name or the name of your favorite designer or a singer or a nickname, etc, the possibilities are endless!! In my case I chose the word BLOGGER and my favorite number.
01. Stencils
The best way to do the stencils is in the computer and print them in a thick paper, it will
be more easy to manipulate them. I chose the BEBAS NEUE font (but you can choose
the one you like).
02. Once you have printed the stencils, you will have to cut them carefully
03. The next step is to place them on the tshirt using the tape
04. Before you start painting, you will need to place a cardboard in the middle of the t-shirt
and in this way the painting doesn’t transfer the fabric
05. Let’s paint. You will need several coats of paint!
06. Let the paint dry and then carefully removed the stencils
and. .. that’s all!!
Súper DIY! Lo voy a intentar!
Te ha quedado genial y como tu dices super facil, creo que me animare a hacerlo!
Un beso gigante desde Argentina
tissuesandfeelings.blogspot.com te espero!
Te quedo muy bien, yo hice una similar pero con los numeros al frente!!
Mañana mismo hago algo parecido!! Súper!!!
Date una vuelta por mi blog!!
The Art Sartorialist: Hippie Soul
Y sígueme en Bloglovin & a través del Facebook Page!!!
Nos encantó Genie, un 10 😉
Me encantó el DIY!
y me gusta más como lograste que una simple playera logre verse tan increible! 🙂
Te pasas? http://alicavazos.blogspot.mx/