These days

I’m always taking pictures, I think this is already part of my life. 1. Home salad 2. Veracruz at night 3. After the movies 4.- Flowers at my boyfriend’s house 5. Cathedral of Veracruz 6. Surimi Salad 7. At my neighborhood 8. Thrifted kimono and dress 9. Stripes 10. My bf gave me these carnatios

Puebla and Cholula

*Paseo San Francisco, Puebla, México* *San Pedro Cholula, Puebla, México* One of the things about living in Puebla is that you can’t get bored. If you like sightseeing, Puebla is a really good place to explore. You may think I’m a kind of tourist guide  haha, but that’s not the case, I just want to… Seguir leyendo Puebla and Cholula

This week

A picture say more than words, so this is a short photodiary of my week. ENJOY IT!. HAVE AN AMAZING WEEKEND! 😀 GENIE I’VE JUST OPENED A BRUNETTE BRAID TUMBLR! IF YOU LIKE THIS INSPIRATION FOLLOW ME! HERE AND FOLLOW ME ON BLOGLOVIN’  (photos by me and alc)

Being happy doesn’t mean everything is perfect…

 It means you have decided to look beyond the imperfections. Que más les puedo decir: me gusta mucho tomar fotos, la cámara ha sido una maravilla y la verdad no puedo salir sin ella,  la cargo conmigo a todos lados, quiero tener foto de cada momento!!! Espero no saturar mi computadora con tantas fotos jijiij… Seguir leyendo Being happy doesn’t mean everything is perfect…