My lately uniform

Outfit details: skirt – falda: zara, similar here | sweater: zara, similar here | loafers: zara, similar here | bag: persunmall, similar here | sunglasses: no brand, similar here
La idea de usar uniforme aún me da un poco de miedo, en especial porque considero que mi trabajo en el ámbito creativo no debería limitarme a usar uno, sin embargo, el otro día platicando con una colega, le comenté lo fácil que es para algunos encontrar un estilo que predomina en las piezas que compran y que usan día a día, ¿lo han notado?
Les platico esto porque últimamente me siento muy atraída por faldas semi-largas y estos loafers de Zara, ambos los he usado tan frecuentemente que a veces pienso que parece como si fueran parte de mi uniforme.
To be honest the idea of wearing an everyday uniform seems a little scary to me, just because of as a creative worker, I think my wardrobe decisions doesn’t have to be limited by a bored and simple uniform, however, the other day I was talking with a friend about how easy is for some people find a singular aesthetic in every piece that they buy or wear.

I’m telling you this because lately I’m very attracted to midi-skirts and loafers (love these from Zara), I’ve been wearing both so frequently that sometimes I really think they are part of my uniform!


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