Everyday camouflage


The thing a I like the most about fashion is to know how to adopt trends to your own personal style and that is one of the reasons they are too many fashion blogs, because every blogger expresses their individuality in a different kind of way, and you might wonder why I am telling you this?? I realize that as you get older you know more about yourself and recognize what works and what doesn’t work in your wardrobe. 

 The military trend turns to be a bit difficult to wear for some girls, for the informal and risky it might be; the secret is to find the ideal print to don’t feel like an another member from the army. I was inspired by this and I assembled an outfit with an effortless casual-cool vibe. Hope you like it!


Lo que más me gusta de la moda es saber adoptar las tendencias a tu propio estilo personal y es por eso que existen infinidad de fashion blogs, ya que cada quién expresa su individualidad de una manera distinta, y bueno se preguntarán por qué les digo esto, porque me doy cuenta que conforme te vas conociendo más a tí misma reconoces qué funciona y qué no funciona en tu guardarropa.

 La tendencia militar resulta ser un poco díficil de usar para algunas por lo informal y arriesgado que puede llegar a ser, el secreto está en encontrar el estampado ideal para no sentirse recién salida del ejército, me inspiré en ello y armé un outfit con una vibra más relajada y casual ¡espero le guste!


blazer: ZARA (similar here and here)
tshirt/playera: ZARA (similar here and here)
camouflage pants/pantalones estampado camuflaje: ZARA (similar here)
stilettos/zapatillas: ZARA (similar here)
bag/bolso: ZARA (similar here)
sunglasses/lentes de sol: Local shop (similar here)


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  1. Beautiful ensemble, it is quite eclectic tailored blazer and heels + military skinny pants, they do work great together! love your style. and you are right as we grow older we know ourselves better and therefore style keeps changing, hopefully for better 🙂 <3 xoxo

  2. That outfit it's EVRYTHING! totally loved it! You kinda remind me to Sincerely Jules there
    Keep it going girl!

    Cheers from NYC


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